49th Conference of Irish Geographers, UCC
The GSI and UCC Department of Geography hosted the 49th Conference of Irish Geographers from Thursday 4th of May to Saturday 6th of May 2017.
Conference Theme: ‘Disruptions and Transgressions’
Geography has long been interested in the ways that societies, natures, actors and cultures are ‘stitched’ together in various orderings, alignments and networks. Yet we have also become increasingly fascinated by the borders, boundaries and edges that represent phenomena – and where these become blurred, overlap or transgressed. There is an especially renewed energy around notions of disruption where existing practices, systems of provision and institutional arrangements come under pressure from new technologies, services and modes of engagement. For geographers this opens up enormous opportunities to explore such developments through a spatial, societal and/or environmental lens.
Consequently, we chose ‘Disruptions and Transgressions’ as the theme of the 2017 Conference of Irish Geographers and we invited not only geographers but academics engaged in cross-, inter-, and trans-disciplinary endeavours to participate in this event.
Colin Sage, Conference Chair CIG2017
Niamh Moore-Cherry, GSI President
The conference in images
Conference information