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Welcome to the 53rd Conference of Irish Geographers...​

Our theme for CIG 2022 is Transformations and Transitions: Geographies of Systems in Change. The theme focuses on the accelerated change dynamics evident across ecological, social, economic and political domains in the aftermath of Covid-19. The importance of human-environment relations has never been more starkly clear, as the Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the vulnerability of current development pathways, further underlining the urgent need for longer-term thinking and new approaches to development and prosperity. While sustainability transitions are emerging in many sectors and regions, progress to date has been wholly inadequate when compared to the global scale of degradation across ecosystems.


Geography has much to offer as we tackle these challenges from global to local scales, not least an ability to provide integrated understandings of societies and cultures, space and place, power-relations and assemblages and socio-ecological interactions.

CIG 2022 seeks to attract geographers with diverse interests and expertise as well as colleagues in cognate disciplines to engage in cross-, inter-, and trans-disciplinary debate on the physical, social, cultural, political and environmental dimensions of Transformations and Transitions: Geographies of Systems in Change.

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