Image: Peat and Plough 2017, from the series Land~Edge (1) The Search for Sisyphus John Sunderland
Conference Events
We have an exciting programme of events as part of CIG2018. These include social events, keynote lectures, a field excursion led by Professor Paddy Duffy, and a range of exciting conference events. Some key events are highlighted below.
Tuesday - Pre-Conference Workshop: ‘Post-Crash Cities: Housing Financialisation, late-Neoliberalism and Community Responses'
Wednesday This pre-conference workshop brings together the latest theories and empirical findings in the research field
surrounding contemporary cities and late-neoliberalism, taking into account the ‘aftermath’ of the global economic crisis and its different implications. It is organised by Sinéad Kelly and Lidia K.C. Manzo. Attendance is free.
Register here:
For enquiries about this workshop please contact:
Wednesday- 'The Earth as Our Home': A special CIG 50th anniversary Art and Geography exhibition
Saturday Illuminations Gallery, IONTAS Foyer, North Campus, Maynooth University
6:30pm The annual Supporting Women in Geography (SWIG) pre-conference drinks
SWIG invites you to the annual pre-conference drinks for the Conference of Irish Geographers. The event will take place on Wednesday 9 May, the evening before the conference. Anyone interested in attending will be welcome from 18.30 at The Roost, Main Street, Maynooth, near the South Entrance to the University. This will be a unique opportunity to meet and network with others interested in SWIG's work and supporting women in Geography generally, both in Ireland and in the wider world.
11:15am- Session A6: Join a workshop discussion on '50 questions for Irish Geography research to help secure the Earth as
12:45pm our Home', led by Helen Shaw, Ro Charlton, Philip Lawton and Irene Morris Cadogan.
1pm Supporting Women In Geography (SWIG) Annual General Meeting
We invite all those interested in supporting women in Geography to attend and take part. SWIG's dual mandate is to celebrate the accomplishments of women in geography and highlight existing inequalities and barriers faced by women both inside and outside of the discipline. At the AGM, the SWIG Committee will report on SWIG's work in the 2017-2018 period, elect the SWIG Committee for the 2018-2019 period, and provide a forum for how to get involved with SWIG's work and mission.
2-3:30pm Session B6: Your chance to view and discuss posters entered in the poster competition
This year's poster session is presented by Postgraduate & Early Career Network (PECN) of the Geographical Society of Ireland (GSI). Postgraduate and early career researchers (within 5 years of defending PhD) contributions to the competition outline current or recently completed research projects. The competition's aim is to provide a supportive and encouraging environment for postgraduate and early career geographers to showcase the theoretical, methodological and empirical contributions to the discipline. It furthermore offers an opportunity for postgraduate geographers and early career geographers to get feedback on their research. The competition will be judged during CIG by an expert jury. They will award a monetary prize made available by the GSI to the best poster in the competition.
1:30-3pm Session B7: Join Jim Carolan, Gail Maher and Helen Shaw for a walk and talk session around Maynooth University's Green Campus (Please note: this date has been changed)
4-5:30pm Session C6: Listen to presentations by nominees for the GSI Doctoral Research Award
5:45pm Dr Ayona Datta will give the first keynote lecture of CIG2018 on 'Fast Urbanism: Speed, scale and the city from the margins of India’s urban age.'
6:45pm Join Dr Mark Maguire, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Maynooth University, for the official opening of CIG2018. The opening reception will follow.
8pm Join the Postgraduate and Early Career Researchers Network (PECN) for a reception at Brady's Clockhouse
The postgraduate and early career reception takes place straight after the Conference's general reception on the evening of Thursday 10th May. This year it will be held at Brady's Clockhouse. As an informal event, it provides space for postgraduates and early career geographers to get acquainted with others who take part in the postgraduate and early career community in the Irish geography discipline. The post-reception reception offers a great opportunity for all early career researchers to meet, network and come together in an informal and fun environment. It's the perfect introduction to other delegates who will be attending and presenting during this years.
11am-12:30pm Session E2: Dance and Geography
This year CIG2018 coincides with the Dublin Dance Festival which runs from
2 to 20 May. As part of the conference choreographer and scholar Dr. Fearghus
Ó Conchúir has convened a Dance and Geography panel which includes
presentations from dance scholars and geographers.
12:30-1:30pm The annual general meeting of the Postgraduate and Early Career research network (PECN)
PECN extends an open invitation to any postgraduates and early career researchers that want to become actively involved as part of the committee for the 2018-19 academic year period. Every year PECN is responsible for a number of events that caters to the needs of starting researchers. This year PECN facilitated workshops, networking events, and mutual support events that brought together members of Ireland's postgraduate and early career community. The AGM offers a forum to get some insight in what PCEN is about and how to get involved. Delegates are welcome to come along to join the committee or just learn more about what we do.
12:30-1:30pm Virtual field trip of Dublin city
The Building City Dashboards team will provide a demo of their initial version of Dublin using highly accurate 3D models using the HTC Vive. The development of virtual Dublin is part of ongoing research with the Building City Dashboards project based in NCG, Maynooth. The aim of this research is to develop novel, user-friendly platforms for interacting with city data such as real-time feeds of carparks, bike stations, pollution, and sound sensors, as well as administrative data such as the census, planning applications, land-use planning, and housing statistics. All welcome.
1:30-3pm Session F3: Join Gerry Kearns who will chair a panel discussion of the books shortlisted for the GSI Book of the Year award
5:15-6:15pm Professor Rob Wilby will give the second keynote lecture of CIG2018, on 'Exposure to severe heat within homes and work-places in Ghana'
6:30pm Conference Dinner and GSI Awards (registration closed)
11:30-1pm Session J1: Placing geography beyond the campus; and
Session J6: CPD workshop: what would a geography podcast series look like?
1-2pm Professor Manuel Aalbers will give the third keynote lecture of CIG2018, on 'Game of Homes: the Financialization of Housing'
2pm Geographical Society of Ireland Annual General Meeting
2:30pm Field excursion led by Professor Paddy Duffy (limited places available on registration)